Friday, March 29, 2013

hari slip saya #eh?

bcause there's MAPOTI with hari jubah saya everywhere xD

Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar!
Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal. Alhamdulillah ya Allah Alhamdulillah.

hari ni hari result SPM2012 keluar.
yes result saya slip saya.

Alhamdulillah wasyukurillah: no words can express my thankful to Allah SWT. 
Indeed. He's the most gracious the most merciful. Arrahman Arrahim.

Biiznillah, I'm happy with my result.
Dan saya sangat sangat tidak mampu mengungkapkan adakah saya expect ini atau tidak atau adakah saya excited dengan ini atau tidak atau adakah saya kecewa dengan ini atau tidak.


Kerana saya dah betul berserah dan redha. Yes I did pray for 11A's all along even I know I couldnt (not that i'm a negative type person but I know myself) Mudir MJ pernah sekali dtg ceramah and he said: kita kena mintak yg paling tinggi waktu berdoa! katalah "ya Allah aku meme nok 11A+ dale SPM ni meme nokk sungguh". Tapi once again lagi saya tekankan, mmg I'm not that wishing for straight A's.

Dan memang honestly, saya tak expect apa apa. Nothing. Bukan bermaksud saya tak expect any A tapi saya tidak memikirkan dan menjangkan beapa saya akan dapat langsung. At all.
Saya cuma naaaaaaak sangat 9A and above. KERANA: saya jangka budak yang dapat 9A dan keatas je yg akan dapat naik pentas.

My motive all along? Yess, saya hanya nak dapat naik pentas. Ironically but yes. I've neve get the chance to naik pentas semasa terima result.

UPSR: ironically, cikgu bagi result macam tu je. Cikgu Hamdan masuk dlm kelas announce, masa tu kitorang tgh main pondok pondok. Hikhik :D

PMRU: juga ironik. pergi sekolah lewat. majlis pnympaian result dah tamat so kena ambik slip dgn unit pperiksaan.

PMR: juga lewat, tp awal sikit laa.bezanya kali ni smpat ambik dlm dewan jugak cuma masa tu semua nama dah diumumkan.

SMU: lagi ironik. sebab tak pergi langsung majlis tu. masa tu erkk di langkawi. dkat jeti kuala perlis otw balik rumah. dlm pkul 11-12 tghari tu berderu mssage masuk inbox ucap tahniah mabruk ehh? why?? sungguh ironik.

melalui 4 pngalaman trsebut, saya dah sangat beriltizam untuk naik pentas. i want my fam and friend to see me on the stage. for this. for this one exact reason.

so yeah saya sangat berharap dapat 9A's and above.

so that day, there's eomoni, appa, abe bil and diha masuk dewan untuk majlis tu. abe bil was super excited (eventhough i knew he was there for the lulz xD) so when the names were called, sorang demi sorang naik pentas. i was all calm atm. masa tu dah tak peduli orang lain. erkk i was nt familiar with the scene. tak pernah hadir mana2 majlis announcement result la katakan hikhik. so yeah all i could do is hanya redha. fully berserah. dan berdoa.

as the majlis go on, mmg i pray i really really really want to go on stage for the sake of those people. those people who came to root for me (Y) idc. i really want to do so.

and somehow i had this confidence in me that i'll go. it was a weird confidence level as i'm not sure i'll go because i really think i should go but i have this faith that i'll go.

and Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah. it really happened. tc. rohaiza sebut nama mengikut kelas so I was the second name being called. first was Ain Natasya. and then me which also shocked me because i know the class name list and I was the tenth in 5K4 but yeah that doesnt quite disturb me as I just stood up and walk to stage. calmly. as if IDK myself. and i was standing on the entire stage without any tipsy wipsy feeling either. no butterflies at all. at all yess i even talk to mudir and ummi and smile to the camera as if idols that already know they're winning an award so they prepared a speech earlier lol

urghh i took a week to wrote ths. and i dont think i can do this any longer. let it stops there. saya malas kk XD

once again, all praises to the Almighty Allah SubhanahuwaTa'ala :)