Thursday, September 11, 2014

UITM Shah Alam

Assalamualaikum; it's been a verrrrry very long time. And here I am today in Blok Melati of UITM Shah Alam already. Ngeeeeeeeeee yes I'm here for my degree! So alhamdulillah tsummalhamdulillah I got my 4th choice in UPU; Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Biologi. The fact that it's not Medic well yeah its something to be a little sad about but don't worry let bygone be bygones; Allah knows well it's bioslogos!!! How can I not be grateful? Alhamdulillah ya Rabb <3

The process is pretty much; preparation - kolej mawar - orientation week (MDS) - kolej melati - fsg - exploration - taklimat - course registration - classmates - thats it; semua dah besar kan? Haha :D

About FSG; Fakulti Sains Gunaan. I'm in the same faculty as my roommate (well guess who is it? well i'll just tell you; meme of Soulsisters lulz hi peeps) and my coursemates and especially classmates are mostly Selangorians and Kelantanese haha what to expect? xD

Courses? Phewww 2 Bioslogos subject. Ok. 1 Computer Science? Ok. Introductory to College English? Well ok. 1 CALCULUS? Uh-oh? 1 PHYSIC? wHAT? Orz. (I cant even continue bcause the reaction is indescribable.)

My mind isn't really close intact; I cant even write properly everything is hanging here and there what a post haha but I think I jotted down everything that I want to.

Logging of from 4A-XX-XX Kolej Melati;
bioNIK kbye XD