Saturday, January 24, 2015

I ended my Part 1 of Degree!

Yes it's fast.

We lived to see day by day when suddenly it becomes year by year and now I'm on my semester break. Wow a semester ended.

Ok bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum peeps.
I'm trying to write here. Wish me luck that I don't get distracted thus another draft :P

So I'm currently home for my semester break. Degree semester break. Yes it sounds fascinating it's no longer a matriculation semester break but an actual university semester break. Lulz I know I seemed noob but it's okay; I really am.

Well it's 2015 and I'm unofficially 20. Nine more months to end my teen phase pheww how can I adult? I cannot adult yet. Ma mom did not sign the permission letter to this pls. Ok enough blabbering I'm going to review the whole semester into a short post. Yes short.

Frankly speaking, degree life isn't that much of amazing. It's actually much on alone view. Honestly I didnt really like it -- matriculation was wayyyy better but I guess this is adult's way of life. Alone yes if we are to describe an adult, isnt it more to a 'lonely' kind of description?

You gotta survive alone. DO things alone. Not alone that literally means you're alone by yourself but alone it the means that this is your life nobody cares even though we're actually doing the same thing but no we're still alone kind of feels?

I don't really know. This MIGHT be the inner remnants teenager side of me talking. It might sounded childish in an adult view though. I don't know yet.

However, skipping that part away -- I like what I learned so much that *DRUMROLLS* I actually studied hard for the semester!! Not hard meaning hard but hard for the mean of me. You knew it I never study for exams before. I spent secondary school wondering how people define study yes I was that kind of people. Ho hoho I'm not sure whether to feel proud or ashamed.

Means that I like BIO411 BIO460 CSC425 HBU114 MAT421 PHY400 (I kind of lie about the last two subjects) Unfortunately I didn't took ELC400 it's kind of frustrating I should have not took the Pengecualian Credit *sigh*

Though I have a few to complains I like the subjects I like what I learned I like the lecturers I like the syllabus but I don't really like the final examination. Here's the thing; study week started on 21/12/14 and my last paper (MAT421) ended on 19/1/15 evening. Wow it was a whole month of studying I was literally crazy. To not study well it's like suicide but to study and do the same routine for a month got me all mental. I was all giddy up for this semester I told you I just got used to study then I was forced to do it for the whole month sobsob.

Well worry not because it ended.

I have another fascinating story about my BIO411 lecturer. It was during a lab session when she walk pass through our table and saw my lab manual with big óverzealous bionikiim written on it so she ask whose is it so I said it's mine. She's like what do you want to express with this word? So I'm like "urm urrmm well yeahh" (you know I became mute when unexpected things came across ha ha) Shen then said she wanted me to have a new word to label myslef besides 'overzealous' and that's a task to be finished before next lab session. I purposely forgetting it assuming she will too (hohoho) but by the end of semester she kept asking and reminding me that she hasnt even forgetting it once. I blued yeah so I promised to message her before final exam. On study week I put up some courage and started to write an email (becaue I'm not good with short message). Obviously I need to write two emails because the first email was a complete rant and the second was a filtered one. It gave me so much satisfaction so I sent it. I even message her saying that I sent an email but I got no reply. I freaked out O.O But few days later I checked my mailbox and got a reply and it was beautiful. So beautiful that I read it a few times, many times, every time. But I didn't reply, I couldn't, I didn't dare to. Because if I did then she have to reply me back and it might become a conversation AND IT SHOULD NOT! I'm an awkward potato no it should not :'( But still the email is like a antidote that stays in my mailbox <3 If by any chance my lecturer google up her name (I did this often with my name just to see how famous my name is, do everyone else done the same? No? Kbye) and if by any chance this post get to her, well I just want to thank you A LOT Ms. HILWANI (FSG UITM Shah Alam) <3
Well I dont know what to wrote anymore. I tend not to use my brain by thinking whenever I'm home that's why I seems like a useless bum hahhahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahhahaha no I'm not kidding why am I not using my brain???! T_________________T

Ouh did I said about my degree life which kind of feels lonely and gloomy? Well all those times I spend a lot of times with my phone and laptop *cough* I really spend a lot of times with them that I started new things. I do Sony Vegas but it's still hard I know some basics but don't expect a lot. I explore things I havent done before. I finisehed some video projects. And amazingly now I HAVE MY OWN FIRST VERSION OF FANVIDEO! FIRST ANIMATION VIDEO! FIRST VBLOG! AND FIRST VIDEO RANTING I still cannot believe it so whenever you doubt yourself, just go to an isolated island and do what your heart tells you to do. You'll never know what you are capable of until you're bored -- really have nothing to do. Okay that quite a quote there HOHOHOHOHOOOOOO seeya :)