Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Alhamdulillahirabbilálamin.. Wassalamu aála asyrafil anbiyai warmursalin.. Waa'la alihi wasahbihi ajmain. Amma baa'du.

Sidang hadirin sekalian.. eceehehh, macam khutbah Jumaat ehhehe ^^v

Today's 10/12/13. (Wow tomorrow's 11/12/13 coooooolio) PSPM Sem I result is out mbahhahahhaa. Gila nnaling tadi. Eh tak, dari semalam sebenarnya.

But in summary. Alhamdulillah. This is enough for me. No I'm not categorized in those tiptop 4rata students but still, I'm at my ordinary level. I'm grateful enoughhhhhhh..

Thinking about how bad my Math papers are, I couldn't even express how thankful I am to get B for that subject MBAHHAHAHHA Cg Suhaimi Cg Jamaliah thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Forever a bioslogos-biased; A for Biology yay Cg Siti Noooor i lapyouuuu and also Cg Faezah yay for Science Comp!! 

Chemy, thankyou Cg Norazah, Cg Suhaimi and my fellow practicummate; Nisa! (the only 4rata student in my class wohooo) thankyouuuuuuu <3

And Mr Ashok hewhewwwwwwww I got A for English yada yada and of course P.Agama and Dinamika :P

And wow first post for Sem 2 ehh? And Sem had begun 3 weeks ago. Bad Kimah iz complaining lewls. Pleazzzzzz I busy okayyyyyyy.

Haha kbye  /bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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