Sunday, January 19, 2014

كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ

"Every soul shall taste death."
[Quran 29:57]


We were walking back from Surau An-Nur as usual.
And on the way we decided to go to the ATM to withdraw some money since there's not many students lining up tonight.

Meme withdrew. I withdrew. Has withdrew. Ana withdrew. Then we left the are to our next station; koop. While walking in front of Pentad, we were chatting, joking when suddenly Ana read a text message and she froze. It was a message from our class vice president, Oyah.
"Assalamualaikum.. Al-Fatihah kpd ayah sahabat kita, Masihta yg telah kembali ke rahmatullah ptg tadi. smga arwah ditempatkan dlm kalangan org beriman."
 We froze. Speechless.
Especially Haslina. She was literally Syitah's classmate from high school. Ana and Has called some friends for confirmation. Innalillahi wainnailaihirajiun.

Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return.


Indeed. It was shocking. And Has said that as far as she knew her father wasn't ill or something and from what Oyah told Ana, her father was okay at the evening. Allah knows best. Kullu nafsi zaiqatul maut. Every soul shall taste death. It's just a matter of time. All of us shall taste death and we did not know when is our turn.

Be prepared.
No one knows when is our turn except Allah 'azzawajalla.

Allahumma ahyina bil iman, waamitna bil iman. Wah syurna ma'al iman. Waadkhilnal jannata ma'al iman..

Again, Al Fatihah to my friend's father En. ParmanAnd help to pray that my friend is strong enough to go through this. Our mid semester test is next week. Allahhh :'(


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Anonymous said...