Sunday, June 15, 2014

Interview UKM (Doktor Perubatan)

Assalamualaikum :)

It's been quite a long silence isn't it? I promised to talk about a lot of things but the thing is I didn't aite? Sorrrrry I'm having a lot of free times that whenever I feel like writing a new post; I keep procrastinating asif jiddan -,.-

So--I'm going to write about my interview experience in UKM (which happened last month but since I was just being lazy; it took a lot of ijtihad to actually write this hoho). No; I'm not one of those really good excellent student--I'm just the average and not so hardworking one that become diligent at some point of exam. Wait what?

I think I'm gonna write some disclaimers; I'm not good in telling stories. At some point, you might think I'm rambling and off the topics because I'm really not a person of words. I deeply apologize and ask for your understanding~juseyo.

I'll just go straight to the point--I'm a matriculation leaver, I got 8A's during SPM (Bio A, Modern Math A+, BM A+, BI A+, Chemistry B+, Add Math B+, Physics B; this is just for your references told ya I'm not a top scorer) and my CGPA in semester 1 during matriculation is 3.5. In my UPU apllication, I put UKM - Doktor Perubatan as #1.

The point is; the fact that I got chosen for the interview might be varied. Yes SPM result might or might not affect the IV selection, I got the minimal qualification for this course (3.5), and choosing UKM as the first choice might showed my fetermination--I guess who knows;

But anyhow, alhamdulillah tsummalhamdulillah; this is my first IV in my entire life. I missed my MARA IV after SPM (which is an eternal regret that I actually know it the day after the IV haha)

I'm sorry--I ran out of topics; I'll just basically tell you about the IV itself I'm really really sorry I couldn't keep on track ;~;

Ok, when you get choosen for an interview; the most important thing is to be ready. Make preparations for basic IV question. I'm sorry I couldn't provide you that google it; the basics are something like self introduction, the reasons you choose UKM, why do you wanna be a doctor (etc etc etc you can google it; good luck)

I'm going to tell you about the procedure I went through that day. The IV took part at Pusat Perubatan UKM in Cheras and I got the morning session so we went early and arrive before 8. We, the candidates are asked to enter the buildings without any parents and we waited at the lobby, don't worry you can ask people around but the thing is don't be shy! Tbh, I'm one overly socially awkward person but the moment I was left alone at the unfamiliar place I keep telling myself to be brave, I survived *insert a touched-looking-meme* Well yeah obviously I feel like leaving the site seeing that the majorities are CHinese and Indians man! there are trillions of butterflies in my stomach atm >,.< All kind of thoughts popped out in my head "you're the only one from matrik here" "wey orang lain budak 4 flat lerh" "screw you, other's a re way better" Ya Allah, I feel terribly insecure but I keep it in until alhamdulillah, the girl next to me ask me something and she ended up to be from matriculation too yesssir and another amazing thing is that she is actually my ex-practicum mate in KMPP! (Well this is a long story I was in H1P7 the moment I entered KMPP but after minggu orientasi ended, I changed class and she transfered to matrik Selangor, this is kind of amazing that she feels familiar with me thus the question about my former practicum hoooooo Abang Kahar did you read this; we used to be under you during our MPPB in matrik penang and we finally meet each other in UKM lobby when I was terribly feeling insecure Allahu, thank you Allah)


I keep running out of topics :(

So, before we could actually go through the interview session--we need to go through a computerized aptitude test; be prepared, different uni gives out different kind of aptitude test I guess. Because UKM's aptitude test is more towards your attitude and lifestyle while my friend took the UM aptitude test for the same course but theirs is more towards IQ and knowledge (they even need to bring calculator with them oh no math seriously they're doing math if it was me, I would cry)

If you don't even understand what is this aptitude test, you can try to google it and you can even practice doing the test online, I do it prior my interview (just because I freaked out after hearing that I need to go through a test ha ha) Be ready makes you confident, so do it good luck!

Apparently, UM interview candidates need to pass the aptitude test to be able to undergo the interview session (or else you can just go home after that) but in UKM everyone that came in the morning can go through the interview procedure. Well, there's actually a technical mistakes with the internet server so we ended up doing the test manually so we coudnt obtain the result ASAP so that's why I'm not really sure if UKM is actually differ from UM.

After the test, we are leaded to another building and asked to wait until we're called.Once we're called (not by name but by the number they've given us) we're going to wait in front of the interview room. It's a two-on-one interview session. That's the last moment to keep track of everything, just don't be nervous. Be calm.

So after a while, you'll be asked to enter the room, knock before you enter and ask before you sit. And never put your hand on the table if there is one (in my case, there's a table so that actually help me a bit in not feeling insecure as there is a barrier between us). There's two interviewer; both are professors whoa. And there's some thing that I would like to tell:

  1. Do not be too nervous. As what I can see, the interviewers try to look calm and ramah as possible so we would feel comfortable with them. Use the opportunity to regain your confidence.
  2. Speak the language you are most comfortable in. (In my case, I prepared for the whole time in English, but the first interviewer start asking me in Malay, and due to nervousness I just couldn't change back to English; that's one of my biggest regret). Let's say you've prepared in English, just be confident and speak as you've prepared even if the question was in Malay. Also vice versa, if they asked you in English, just go through it and whenever you feel insecure, change to Malay naturally; you might want to practice this a bit.
  3. Be logic and worthy. Honestly, most of the questions are the same as what you found on the internet, so expect any of them coming. They will also give a situation and ask for your opinion about what to do ( Mine is 'You're a leader of a group of four, and two of your mates are not doing their job right; what should you do with them and what should you do with the critics oming from the superior power above?') Well, it would be tricky but try to be logic and put some good moral values in your future action; be convincing and make them feel worthy to recruit you.
  4. Take a control of the conversation. Truthfully, most interviews will be asking the same questions right? They ask, you answer, they ask you answer especially if your answers are 100% memorized from the internet. Of course it's a good thing to have the interview smoothly but this is my sincere opinion; if you have a story behind your passion to be doctor or any stories that you find worth it, lead them to a situation where they'll ask you to tell more about it. (It happened to me, unplanned though. When I was nervously talking they suddenly became interested to a small point in what I am saying and thus lead them to ask a question about it, alhamdulillah it is actually something personal which I thought worth sharing with them and it is somehow quite special ha ha) This is because they've heard all various of answers from the typical questions so when we're telling them our stories, they'll be much anticipated.
  5. Be humble yet be confident. One thing you need to keep in mind is always be humble, never ever sounded as if you're overly confident because yeah you know it--that'll irritate and annoy the interviewers. And ask questions! Show your curiosity and keen about anything; the university, the course anything even if you already know about it.
Well, I guess that are the things that I really really want to share. I'm neither one of those famous blogger nor an academically excellent student but since I was given an opportunity to be selected for the interview, it'll be a waste if I keep the tips to myself. Because I was freaking out when I know that I was selected too. I was panicking and not knowing what to do, what to bring, what to prepare, what to say, even what to breathe in and out I was totally clueless haha. The internet has been a good mate of mine prior the interview so I keep in mind that I need to share what I know. Even though In know I might or might nor be helping you guys. In case you're now wandering around the internet feeling as clueless as I was, be strong. You can do it!

Whoever you are, sir a'la barakatillah. Good luck for your interview, your future and your life. May Allah bless :)


Anonymous said...

Tq for the sharing:)

hakeemsu said...

Hi ! Glad to know that you also come from same edu backgroud as i am, which is matriks :D my iv result will be out next Friday, so by reading ur sharing here, it really makes me feel relieved and kinda prepared if i succeed in getting an iv call, thanks a lot for this write :))