Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Qaylula? Siesta?

I was strolling through my draft and saw this. My procrastination was too much. This just need a few editing to be posted bdw. Too much kimah--too much.

And it's a Malay-English post. Well it was the time I was feeling good with my Malay I guess.
Well I'm going to talk about this new jargon here; qaylula or siesta.

Apa tu Qaylula? Hurmm, ingat tak.. dlm sehari harian kita ada satu time yg mmg syokkkkkk bertidoq? Alaa, yg waktu tghari tuuu, hehe tahu tak tu adalah salah satu sunnah Rasulullah saw? Tidur sekejap sebelum Zuhr yakni slm pukul 12 sampaaailah pukul 1. Erkk kalau yg terbabas sampai 3, 4 ptg tu dah menda lain ehh. Hehe.

“It is recommended to take advantage of the afternoon nap (qaylula), for the Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, “Take afternoon naps, for the devils do not take afternoon naps.”

Seeeeeee bertidoq pun ada pahala! Jika bertepatan dgn cara :)
Jadi Jika ada spare time waktu sebelum Zuhur tu, eloklah berlena sebentar even 2-3 minit. Kalau mcm kehidupan matrik ni, hari yg rehat pukul 1-2, eloklah pegi Surau terus bertidoq, waktu azan terusss boleh bangun untuk solat. Yabedabeduuuuuu ^^v

Haaaa, dan pasal Qaylula ni, atauuuuu istilah mat-saleh-yg-tak-berapa-solehnya; siesta (ni jargon mano pulok) terbukti mempunyai banyakkkkkk manfaat.
Ada satu artikel tu, BBC punya artikel mengenai benefits of siesta ni. Some of it are;
  • A nap during the day improves the brain's ability to absorb new information, US scientists claim.
  • The latest study suggests that the brain may need sleep to process short-term memories, creating "space" for new facts to be learned.

  • The wealth of study into the science of sleep in recent years has so far failed to come up with conclusive evidence as to the value of a quick "siesta" during the day.
Haa tu baru artikel BBC pasal siesta.

So konklusi saya adalah siesta is qaylula. Well again, Islam is indeed the most perfect deen; kamil. Rasulullah taught us about qaylula when there's not even a sign of scientific facts at the time. Too bad, some of us, sometimes we believe the scientific facts more than what have been told by Allah, by Rasulullah and through the divine revelation itself--Al Quran right?

Allah--may Allah forgive our ignorance :'(

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