Thursday, January 7, 2016

2015 best kdramas #imo

This is going to be different from my other posts. I'm letting my inner fangirl soul free for this one particular post where I'll rant and give short reviews on kdramas I've watched for 2015. Wohooooo.

I'll try my best to make this in chronological order. Let's start (:

SBS Wed-Thu Pinocchio 
I'm a bit biased of this drama because of Lee Jong Suk (I'll never get over School 2013 sorry not sorry) so please understand. In one side I really like it. Reporter-themed drama is not familiar to me so I get to know a lot of new thing wohooo! And Ki Ha Myung (the older version of hyung) is good looking (ouo) too. Hurm I dont really remember much what I think of this drama but as far as I could, I did overrrated the drama at first. Geeeehee 7 out of 10.

KBS Mon-Tue Healer
Awwwwwww that guy Ji Chang Wook is a bias wrecker like he just come in as coooool Seo Jung Ho but then Park Bong Soo make his way to ruin everything GAHHHH I wasnt ready for that muahhahaha poor my weak heart omsjaksg. The drama is awesome too I like Park Min Young she's cute+pretty and I love the hacker ahjumma hohoho. And did I say that any story with flashbacks of main leads destined childhood hooked me till the end? Hahhaa my heart is so easily satisfied XD 8.5 out of 10.

JTBC Tue Sunam Girls High School Detectives
Not the usual channel drama but I never regret I started. It's soooo cute like heck these high school girls are cuteee hahhaa especially their leader one curious girl WHO IS SHEEEEE?! But (because my memory is not clear) the drama ot not end smoothly right? Or if it does, the PD did a bad job because I couldnt remember anything but I remember reading things like it was underrated so there's no function to keep filming sigh I really love the group's leaderrrr <3 6 out of 10.

MBC Wed-Thu Kill Me Heal Me
Amazing! I think I've saw Ji Sung's other dramas before but he never appealed to me. But here he took the role of 7 different characters whoaaaaaa and not to forget that it's a doctor-medical kind-of dramas and I love how it is based on psychological things LIKE I LOVE HOW IT BASE ON MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES DISORDER OR D.I.D!!! Amazing amazing amazing! My fave character is definitely the real one and bad guy Shin Se Gi haha. And the Oh Ri Jin-Oh Ri Jin chemistry is cuteee. 9 out of 10.

KBS Fri Spy
Another spy-themed yeaaay but let me be frank, I started this drama simply because of Kim Jae Joong. I'm no Cassiopeia but yeah his vampire-like white face is appealing haha and I like Protect the Boss before. The story progress nicely-about how it's a North-South-China conflict I LOVE THE THEME ALR! But then kyakk I dont like it (but I dont really remember why) maybe because the main lead keeps on liking the betraying woman pfft. BUT HIS MOM IS SO COOOOL what was her name again? But she was in Roommate S2. She acts goooooooood. So points for her yeay 6 out of 10.

KBS Mon-Tue Blood
Again I started because of Ahn Jae Hyun too tempting to resist eventhough it has a childish vampire theme (brohoho did I just said that). What kind of world are we living why is there vampiressss okay enough. Urm the story was a plain one with typical vampire storyline so I can say that I enjoyed it but not really enjoyed it. Nothing much to say 7 out of 10.

KBS Mon-Tue Who Are You- School 2015
Kyaaaaa a sequel to School 2013 is it?! WOHOO I DONT CARE IF IT ISNT BUT IT IS AWESOME! Besides I love Kim So Hyun (ouo) and BTOB Sungjae is worth to watch! However I dont like Han Yi An. Not the real him because I enjoyed the Satoori-Daebak in Surplus Princess but Han Yi An just annoys me like umfpt who cares if he's the lead male I dont like him. And till the end, I really dont like the pairing I wish they let Eun Bi x Tae Kwang En Byul x Yi An *sigh* And oh the villain girl she's amazing like how well did she act because I REALLY HATE HER lulz haha 8.5 out of 10

KBS Fri Sat Producer
Well this drama receive lots of love. By lots I mean tremendous-it was even ranked first among 2015 dramas(?) Kim So Hyun is good, Cha Tae Hyun and Gong Hyo Jin are awesome and they even have IU wohoooo but the storyline was just okayyy. BUT I enjoyed seeing things from the PD and staff members perspectives and thank you for telling us how is it behind the scenes of shows we watched! I realized that I appreciated and give extra credits to the people behind every good show I watched (and criticized when the show is not good brohohoo im so bad). Considering this and that I give this drama 7.5 out of 10.

KBS Fri Orange Marmalade
I regretted trying. Haha sorry for the fans but it's not my style. I love the intro it was goood vampire-themed again (Wait arent KBS overusing this alr?) but why do I feel like it didnt fit? Everything was good individually but when they're being put together, it feels odd. But I gave it another chance (why do I bother?) until episode 11 or something when THE TYPICAL MEMORY LOSS STORYLINE STRIKE! Like whaaaaaat. I thought that was all then the PD think it was amazing to suddenly change the concept to a historical drama WAIT I CANNOT BRAIN THIS bye I cant even saw the main lead nowadays it remind me so much of the drama 3 out of 10 (because Lee Min Hyuk is a handsome vampire).

KBS Mon-Tue I Remember You
Hokay KBS you regained my trust through this one asjkajskajska my faveeee <3 EVERYTHING IS PERFECT! From the psychopathic theme, to extra bromance, to cute+lovely+iwanttokeeptheminmypocket younger version of main leads to characteristics side actors to plot twist and more plot twists to everything!!I could rant to the end of post about this but let me just try to be calm and simplify. ITS THE CREME OF THE CREME like you should aware how serious I am when I started to speak Italian ajskjaksjaa I did a video review about this it was embarrassing but proof how amazing this one is to me. Kyaaak! 9.5 out of 10!

TvN Fri-Sat Oh My Ghostess
Chef~nimmm aww I realllly really love Park Bo Young shes shooooo cute I even watched her movies afterwards haha the one with Lee Jong Suk ngeheehehee. And the chef is okaaaay like more than average okay! The ghost Kim Seul Gie I've saw her a few times now this is the first time she's almost main lead yeheee! Good job unnie. Moreover, I've develop interest in Big Bang's Loser through this drama lulz and Cordon Cordon haha 8 out of 10.

SBS Wed-Thu YongPal
Another medical-theme drama! On top of that, Joo Won is a doctor from Good Doctor like professionalzzz lol okay the first few episodes are amazing I totally recomend it to everyone like wehee watch this its awesome its a gang doctor guys how cool is that?!! But then the story become lame and lamer. I dislike Kim Tae Hee here like I know your upset gurl but nahh that's no way to do things like you arent being rescued by a prince but a mere noble man you cant expect to be like the real sleeping beautyyyyyy! Phew I got it our my chest. 6.5, no 6.2 out of 10.

KBS Mon-Tue Sassy Go Go 
MY MANNNNNNNNN hahahhaha Lee Won Geun is such a HEART FLUTTERAAAA I mean his smile could solve universal problem just whyyyyyyyyy I couldnt even blame him if Kim Yeol just smile at the arctic the polar bears might be migrating lulz Vixx Hakyeon is also amazing here hohoho bro youre too fragile please dont stay in public pleassse and I love the theme of the drama. School conflict but yet not too typical. I kind of understand Kwon Soo Ah she's desperate wuuuu ;~; thanks for making her realize and the end and thats for accepting her all of Baekho members wuuu ;~; Can't all drama just happily accepted the villain at the end I demand a world peace here wuuuu ;~; 9 out of 10.

TvN Fri-Sat Reply 1988
Ongoing drama. Im still in 16th episodes heard that its going to be 20 so yeah let me be honest I wasnt a real fan of the Reply series. I watched half of Reply 1997 and fully watched Reply 1994. And honestly this one is the best so faaaaaar! I love the families I love the scenery I love the satoori I love the character development I love the sneak peak of 2015 them I love everything! They give us details about each characters including the parents and siblings. Even romance between Sun Woo's mom and Taek's father cough cough ahahhaah AND I AM STRONGLY #TEAMJUNGHWAN Idk if the PD is going to make me suffer by ending TaekxDukSeon (or maybe with Dong Ryong theres posibilitties umpgh) but I hope it's the obvious route this time.  Dont think I'll be okay if it do not goes my way oh please PD~nim, be pressured with my threat (:

KBS Mon-Tue Oh My Venus
Another ongoing drama. I dont really gaga over Shin Min Ah and I dont favor Seo Ji Seob in his previous drama (Master Sun) so I hesitated a lot. However I kept seeing good comments and plus Henry is in there! So I give it a chance and I really like the introoooo! Hurm considering that I am watching this along with Reply 1988, this drama is a lot more adult like I was in a sea of classic, teen life and rural setting but then suddenly it got westernized and modernize through this drama. Well as the story goes, it started to become a cliche son-of-chaebol-so-issues-here-and-there but a bit realistic than most of chaebol-themed dramas *cough* The Heirs *cough* haha sorry! Not to be forgotten, I love Henry's "MAMMM!" and the other guy with Henry idr the name woopsie.

So thats basically every single dramas I watched in 2015! Phews KBS Mon-Tue dramas must really are my cup of tea I watched every single drama on the list except for the one titled something like my-daughter-in-law-something. The one with SISTAR's Dasom in it; the trailer looks like a sitcom and honestly I dont enjoy sitcom very much. Brohoho.

Hurm while I am already doing this, I'll just review some web dramas and movies eh?

GOT7 Dream Knight 
It's in 2015 right? I'm pretty sure so yeah. Well I actually watched this not knowing GOT7 members well. I only recognized JB, Jr, Jackson, Mark and Bambam (wait, that's more than half already) and I cant even distinguish between Youngjae and Yugyeom. I watched it to kill some time while I'm in my semester break. It was yeah, idk do I really need to review this? Its something that happened almost a year ago I cant remember a thing. BEEEEPPPPPPPP******

EXO Next Door
Phews lets hope I cant recall something since this one is recent hurm all I can react is hyezzz oppppppaaar like the members are my fave memberssss Chanyeol as the main lead? Asjkd. D.O as the second lead male? Asjksjd. Baekhyun as the main lead's bestfriend? Asjkajsa. Sehun and his cute neighbor bromance? Asjajshdhfj. But really Chanyeol is so emo. Like people call you Chan? AHHAHHAHHAHA and Kyungsoo is also emo what's will the down weather only Baekhyun is Byun Baekhyun. AND MOON GA YOUNG IS PWEEEETY (ouo)

Jang Soo Shop (Salut dÁmour)
Chanyeol's first movie.This time, with Moon Ga Young again. I dont usually ship oppars but theyre cute together. At the harabeoji halmeoni is so cute. Like the always angry, hard-to-approach grandfather just fall in love with the grandmother next door and changed his attitude. But the plot twist is unexpected! I mean I almost cry because of it D: So if you like family-romantic-comedy-light-themed movie then yeah go ahead :)

Coin Locker Girl
Disclaimer I watched this at first for Min I mean Park Bo Gun's sake. Its a movie about a terrifying woman loneshark who took children as her own. Hurm I dont know how to synopsis it but if you're like me, watching for PBG's sake then don't watch it, you'll be dissapointed because oppar is not very much shown and even if he is, you wont like the scenes haha no I meant it. But the story of daughter-mother relationship is worth to watch! So decide by yourself :)

And thats about it. So yeah I spent three nights writing all of this. Haha Im in my revision week people! Not me to blame on brohohohooooo :D

Saturday, January 2, 2016

What a long hiatus

Nah, I just used the word hiatus as an excuse. I wasn't on hiatus, I was just busy and lazy; well that rhymes.

Ok so now is new year. Pheww another year passed. The fact that each day come and go without stopping is somehow creeps me out. Haha I'm twenty-one this year (technically I just reached twenty but yeah) who couldnt thought that? Me neither.

Well back to my life. I am currently in my final examination of semester 3. Three more papers and I'll be home or to be exact, I'm halfway to end my degree. Wow.

Things and things happened. But here I am, just finished my fourth paper- BIO564 Parasitology. I suffered two days straight because that are the only gap between the previous and this one. Tbh, I was on the edge of crying ++ suffocated halfway studying because I think I couldnt make it. The syllabi were too much haha well actually it is not that bad (Im saying this after the paper passed).

Briefly, its not that I was sad that I'll not passed it. To tell the truth, my carry mark is good like real good. For the past two semesters, I didnt even care much about my cgpa and stuff. I just aimed to do the best I can and if I still couldnt excel well yeah I'll still pat on my head and say "jarhaesseo kimah~ahh you did well" *pat*pat* However I called my mom a day before final examination starts and told her about my exam and stuff. My style on phone is kind of 'yeah I got exam tomorrow and yeah Im good Im excellently feeling okay' even when I'm not while my mom's style is like 'well youé studied enough so yeah 3.8 is probably good enough' and we're like huhuhu.

Wait, did my mother just said 3.8? Like hahhahahhahahahahahhahahahaa k mom. And somehow that joke burns me inside. Like I need to prove it, I need to get it no matter what YEAH YEAHHHH MY STUDYING SOUL IS BURNINRGHHHHHHSHGDJHH

Then the other day I was doing Parasitology I kind of feeling down thinking how impossible it is. Haha.

But now yeah I'm good. Like real real good.

Usaha. Doa. Tawakal.

That's that.