Saturday, January 2, 2016

What a long hiatus

Nah, I just used the word hiatus as an excuse. I wasn't on hiatus, I was just busy and lazy; well that rhymes.

Ok so now is new year. Pheww another year passed. The fact that each day come and go without stopping is somehow creeps me out. Haha I'm twenty-one this year (technically I just reached twenty but yeah) who couldnt thought that? Me neither.

Well back to my life. I am currently in my final examination of semester 3. Three more papers and I'll be home or to be exact, I'm halfway to end my degree. Wow.

Things and things happened. But here I am, just finished my fourth paper- BIO564 Parasitology. I suffered two days straight because that are the only gap between the previous and this one. Tbh, I was on the edge of crying ++ suffocated halfway studying because I think I couldnt make it. The syllabi were too much haha well actually it is not that bad (Im saying this after the paper passed).

Briefly, its not that I was sad that I'll not passed it. To tell the truth, my carry mark is good like real good. For the past two semesters, I didnt even care much about my cgpa and stuff. I just aimed to do the best I can and if I still couldnt excel well yeah I'll still pat on my head and say "jarhaesseo kimah~ahh you did well" *pat*pat* However I called my mom a day before final examination starts and told her about my exam and stuff. My style on phone is kind of 'yeah I got exam tomorrow and yeah Im good Im excellently feeling okay' even when I'm not while my mom's style is like 'well youé studied enough so yeah 3.8 is probably good enough' and we're like huhuhu.

Wait, did my mother just said 3.8? Like hahhahahhahahahahahhahahahaa k mom. And somehow that joke burns me inside. Like I need to prove it, I need to get it no matter what YEAH YEAHHHH MY STUDYING SOUL IS BURNINRGHHHHHHSHGDJHH

Then the other day I was doing Parasitology I kind of feeling down thinking how impossible it is. Haha.

But now yeah I'm good. Like real real good.

Usaha. Doa. Tawakal.

That's that.

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