Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Firstly, ya Allah alhamdulillah.

.: Dec 27 is the day when SMU result will be out and seriously since I was in Langkawi at that time, I was like "ughh, should i feel just alright? or should i be freaked out? or should i stay calm or should i.. arghhhh >,<"

Okay, the day before. I've been messaging my friends saying I'm not going to attend the ceremony. They're half believe half not bcause I didnt say the truth. I told Nurin I was in Busan w/ Zico and after than in Langkawi w/ Daniel. Yeah, she won't believe that. Kkkk #random XD

But for sure, I'm a bit anxious.
E/time someone bring the topic up, I'll dropped in sec. Oh no, I just don't want my family talk about it during our holidays, nooooo! I'm nervous T^T I keep messaging w/ Nurin, Fathin, Hanis until late at nights and guess what? I ended up dreaming about attending MMP to take the result. But, but.. I didn't manage to get 'mumtaz' my overall percentage is 87% and it wasn't considered as 'mumtaz'!! I met my friend from SK Sabak and she bragged about her reslut, she got 100% I was like OMG I just want to run but then I realized it's just a dream. ASJKAJSKJAKJSS butterflies grew in my belly ASAP after that D:

I do tell people about how I dreamed of SMU but I didnt told them about what my result is /sobs/

Starting from 9 AM, I keep messaging the same thing to Nurin "buleh doh ko reult? bagi doh ko? ?" I know the chances she will tell me her result is 5% lol e/though she got 10mumtaz, she won't tell kkk XD But still, I just want to know what's happening at school.

Around 12, she messaged me saying more than 100 students got mumtaz, I was like ohh, okay. Then she said 61 students got 10 mumtaz, I replied her saying "budo 4k1 nga separuh 4k2 doh tu, haha" At that moment, my mind totally no think about m,y own result. I'm for sure didn't think about it bcause I know my friends cant go and ask the teachers, they won't tell for sure! So I feel kinda secured kkk

When I arrived at K.Perlis jetty, I was walking in the first rown but the I received about 3 messages continuously. Nurin, Fathin, Dayah&Bariah ; they're saying almost the same thing "whoa congrats 10 mumtaz" I was like O____o? I really can't relate anything. I replied all the messages with simple "eh?" /lol/

Then Fathin says it's real. I was like, they're trolling meee ;__;

A moment after that, Nurin called and claimed it's for real! My name was announced and I was like asjkajskjaskajsks is this for real #alhamdulillah I feel like ughh, my tears are coming but naaah, it's a public place. I dint even tell my family. I planned to show them the result. I mean, what if this is just a joke? Or a mistakes? But during the time, my brotha came and grabbed my phone, she read my messages and dang, busted! /facepalm/

Thats it. It's no big deal cuma seriously terkejut dgn result ni. Seriously, saya dah kecewa dgn NahuSoraf dgn English. I mean paling kecewa dgn English. Mmg seriously tak boleh jawaaap ;__; tpi still dpt mumtaz ya Allah, alhamdulillah <3

I asked Nurin about others, dia cakap ok je. Dia sndiri pun pangkat mumtaz gak. Cuma tersekat dgn mutalaah dgn english je. Ok aah, tapi seriously masih shock dgn result #cantrelate

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