Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Stands for 'michigesseo' actually it's ᄆᄎᄀᄋ from the word 미치겠어. It drives me crazy. This is totally random, Teen Top to be blame. I heard they will release a teaser tonight. #random

Okay so my last post is on Thursday, last Thursday. Tomorrow is Thursday so it's been a week. It's only a week but a lot of things had happened. Let me list down first.

So on Friday, it's typical Friday. The same goes Saturday except for the fact saya x ber-tuisyen hari itu. Ohhh yay! /lol/ And it's a hectic day where I packed my things. We're going for a holiday in Langkawi the day after, Sunday. So yeah, I slept at 1 in the morning and woke up at 3.30 bcause we started the journey -- small convoy to be exact on 4.05. Ughh trust me, I get enough sleep w/ that XD

Okaay, I don't think to write it all in this post. I'll just listing down big events for now. Hurm, fyi for this 48-hours, I just got a few hours of sleep. I don't lie. Starting yesterday morning which started on usual time, we visited some last places at Langkawi and headed to Jeti. E/though we have plans to go somewhere else like Kedah and Penang, it were cancelled due to ferry delayed. Ahh hyu. Then, we started our journey home non-stop from Kuala Perlis to Kelantan. Yeah since it's night so the journey takes time for safety measures. Shortly, when we're already in Kelantan, in our own state, about a few kilometres away from home, just a few more minutes. Perodua Rush which was driven by my tenth brotha, met an accident. He was a bit sleepy -- how to I say 'hanyut' eh? #idk :"X so yeah, the car didn't even stop at the traffic light and that's not where the things happened.

Oh great, lemme finish this in bhsa Klate eh? Not BM baku. I just cant epress my feeling w/ English. It's not epic /lol/

Pahtu, abe e (my tenth brotha who drove the car) mace hanyut gitu maso bawok keto jadi trlanggar la signboard jale. Pahtu kak da nga kak ha (my sis-in-law's sis in Toyota Swift who drove behind the Rush) breti la tepi jale sbb kejut. Alhamdulillah, it's not that terrific e/though my 13th sista hurt his eyes. She was sleeping during the accident and she crushed herself into the front seat resulting cuts on her eyelids. Atm, I was in Estima w./ my 1st brotha we turned back to the place and we bring kak kah to USM asap. While he parked the car, he order me to go to the emergency and yeah I'm totally blur about what happened, I havent face anything like this so yeah luckily someone realize us and help me w/ the procedure. Thanks :')

--saya kata nak guna bhsa klate, aisyh -,.-

pahtu kiro hebat jak sbb buleh masuk smpai tmpat cuci luka HHAHAAAA oh great, mana bleh suka msa org tgh sakit. tp seriously, my sis try not to panicked and yeah, i tried buat bual dgn dia, lgi sruh dia baca la mna2 ayat wktu tu. mmg dah x tahu nak buat apaa ;__;

then, msa kat emergency room tu, ingtkan dia jadi out patient je, tp rpnya sbb ada luka so kna jahit lagi, so trpkasa gak duk situ. ohh lagi satu rasa hebat sbb brjaya cakap2 dgn doktor bajet thu pasal perubatan. tnya minor surgery and etc etc haha i'm a bit eksaited actually ~.~
then tgh tggu2 dr check luka, dtg abe din, abe e, kak da, kak long. i was like hoo, my family is hereeee. we evem make jokes at that time. we're cool aboutr that. we tried not to be panicked and be more open-minded. semua org macam tenang even kakkah, we do jokes at time like that.

just one thing, kitorang buat jokes tu untk abe e gak, nnti dia rasa brsalah. abeyom oyak doh "tankyoh duk sego brsaloh laa" i mean yeah, it's not his entirely fault. we're human being. lgipun semua musibah ni ada hikmah. mcm kakna cakap ; slagi x masuk pagar rumah, don't feel too happy or less-aware. dan lgi pula, abe e dan sehari suntuk drive. it's not easy laa :33

well, everything happens for a reason. kitorang mmg open-minded dgn hal ni. not blaming each other and yeah #alhamdulillah kalau nak accident stakat ni kira this is more than okay! no one had major cuts or anything worse, hope my sis is entirely okay, dia pnuya exam less than 2 weeks ; himnaeyong!

erk, that's all. actually i dont do talks about my family especially when it comes to praising or saying what's on my mind but yeah, no one read this. i just want to keep this tightly in me. 2011 Dec 27. Accurately Dec 28.

Dan mmg saya hnya smpat tidur dri pukul 9 smpai 1 pagi je. Then I was awaken, kitorang smpat supper kat Tanah Merah then after that, baru sedar I tidur tadi biar je abe yom & kaklong brjaga so I ws like "ughh, x pyah tido laa bia kalong pulok tido." So yeah after then I talked and talked w/ Madiha. Hurm, more to ramblingg la. We just talked so the atmospehere is lifted and yeah abg saya x mngantuk ;')

But let this be a forever memory in me. Hope kak kah is okay and hope everything is all right. I'll be back w/ my Langkwai post right after this, brb :)

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