Thursday, December 22, 2011

Did I say?

Ohh great, I forgot to mention about my tuition at all. It's connecting to my brother. Last night, he came early. He was already there the moment I stepped out from class but today.. Today is a mess! I came out at 11.05 then I wait till 11:25. At that time, all the students are already go home. Maybe some already home T^T And then, yeah I decide to waited by the road so I walk and walk until I reached SK Panji. Yeah, my phone sucks, the credits expired so I have to find a public phone. I found one and yeah, if I didnt have any coins with me, I'm sure I won't be able to come back today. No one remember me #foreveralone D:

He fetched me when it is almost 12 by the way D:

And yeah, that all. Oh by the way, I'm still in the situation of coping e/thing. Yeah, attending the classes not at the same time as others make it difficult. I'm still adapting myself. ATM addmath and physics are good but today, it's Chemistry class. I have no idea about the subject at all as.. There's like a big student-block in me D: But yeah, I managed to act all cool T^T

Guys, gtg still have to attend tonight's class. But hurm, I'll go to usrah first! #thursdaynight :)

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