Friday, December 16, 2011

Oh bdw

Actually one of the reason I'm blogging again is bcause I hate the #only140words on Twitter. It's too limited. Sometimes I cant express my feeling at all. So here, you might keep seeing posts like this. Maybe tons of posts in a day.
Yeah, if you know me in Twitter, you can say i'm a random and crazy Twitter person. I chirp everyday. Hundreds of tweets everyday but no! I dont spam others timeline. I'm a random crazy fan. So I tweet people who doesn't even know my existance. -The K-stars.

Yeah I'm a stalker. I stalk to the end of the world. Don't run cause you'll waste you time. Mr. Google is my best bestfriend.

S!b: OMG I'm feeeeeeling so good. I'm expressing everything I thought of in a post. A POST! yeah, have not doing this in a looooooong time! Woot, I already love this. Hahahaaaaaa XD

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