Friday, December 16, 2011

daily friday.

So we went to KBMall again today. Is it just me or we really did go to KBMall every Friday? Last Friday, last last Friday. Is it a coincidence? --Maybe it's one of the reason I love my brothas so much. Last week w/ that brotha this week w/ this brotha LOLove (;

It was nothing to tell about but yeah, I saw the Zico shop again today. Lmou everyone reading this 100% will not understand. Just skip to the next paragraph lol XD The shop in KB, near NorBahrum&Co and kastamKB lololol. It was a hardwarre shop I guess kekee. First seeing it last Sunday when I follow my mon to KB. I was seriously bored and sleepy OTW home but then I saw miracle! #exaggerate

Ohh the first thing I saw when I came home on Facebook is Donghae's and Eunhyuk's Oppa Oppa MV. Blerghh SM did you call that MV? You're cheap :/ That's not MV, that's just a video from SS4. SM I'm forever hating how you treat SuperJunior >.<

Honestly I'm no longer treating them as my gewe(s) but my brothers. Ahhaaa #maboys to be exact. I'll protect them as how Lifebouy do lololololol. I'm totally into rookies D: 오빠 미안! ᅮᅮ

Daaaang, seriously this is all rambling. #youweretrolled kbye.

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