Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Reading and heeding

So apparently (I use this word a lot these day, from whom did I get influenced by?) whenever I come back home, whether it's for semester or mid semester break I decided to be lazy and don't think. bebajet simple mind, simple life la kononnya. That's why whenever I'm home, I look like a lazy bum doing the same repetitive things each day until my break is over. Literally doing nothing beneficial. Hohoho.

But now I have too much times to kill. Wait why we use the word 'kill' to express 'spend'? Can't we use 'shoot' or 'stab' or 'punch' or anything that relates to 'kill' then? And by the way who started to use 'spend' with 'time' though? We 'spend' money but why we 'spend' time? Ok that's just random blame ADHD which I am not even diagnosed with, that disorder only come to me whenever I need something to blame for my attention-deflected. 

Back to story.

Cause I have so much times to flush (Get it? I'm just trying to rephrase here hoho) I then forced into books. Which means I have to think because reading makes my neurotransmitters speed across neurons to interprets, feels, memorize, feels, understand, feels and more feels towards the contents. No more simple mind simple life then. Well that's it kimah, think. Obviously it's not like you've really into studying too much for the whole semester that you deserve to not think for the whole break. Cough. Cough again.

So now I'm currently rereading whatever books I feel like to. Remember how I'm not a crazy lunatic books lover? I mean I'm not really fond of books they're fine they did no wrong but I just don't read. Haahhahahahaa. Ergo for the tenth times, only Hlovate's collection (and Hilal Ashraf!) passed the test to my to-be-read list. Yes I really mean their old masterpieces hohoho. And for some new air, I came across Diha's book by Randa Abdel Fatteh. The cover intrigue me (yeah I am the type that judge book by its cover blehh judge me) AND REALLY THAT BOOK IS AWESOME hohoho I like it \(^O^)/

And another into list is Catatan Mat Lutfi. It's the latest in list I was walking across my ayah's working place in the house and I saw the book. If later ayah look for it, don't tell him about this ahhahahahah :D


 Well that's basically it. It feels good to write like 15 years old me. Wait is that the age when I actually wrote the most? Idk and i am too lazy to go and check the archive well lets just think it really is. I guess I will write more during the break I hope so. It really feels good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha are you ammused enough now?