Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Update: Third Language Dilemma

Well, erm I found out that we can start registering for our third language course. I was yeah 89.79% determined I'll choose Spanish. Uh yeahhhh.

But then I realized there's no option for Spanish. Dengggg that was harsh haha.
So I'm sticking with Mandarin for now. I know I know, that wasn't even in my option list but what can I do; being rejected as soon as you've made your choice was harsh and I couldn't think straight. Well, might just took risks. Oh bdw, Mandarin yeah I wasn't really looking forward to because it's a bit difficult. BUT IT COULD BE BENEFICIAL AITE? Like who knows I might bump into Wu Yin Fan on the streets then wohoo can I communicate with him then BAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA just kidding that imagination is pretty lame. Besides Kris know English and Korean, that might be better alternatives hurm..

Well then, yeah that's it. Updatezzzz.

And ohh I drew the girl above haha pretty good for tangan kayu like me aite? Wu Yi Fan might cry because of this; I drew betterrrrRrrrrr

Signing off,
KimCasso <3

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