Monday, February 23, 2015

Third Language Dilemma

Semester II starts next week and I still couldn't choose between Spanish, Japanese, Germany or Arabic for my third language.

HALP ;~;

*insert funky intro music*

Okay here's the deal; my semester break is over and I'll be going back to UITM Shah Alam this Saturday. And next Monday will be my first class for new semester. And in part two, I am supposed to take a few compulsory subjects with some electives. One of the electives is Third Language. YES LONGLY AWAITED ANTICIPATED WE GON' GIVE IT ALL WE GOT IT OR LOSE IT cough cough sorry get caught in Round 1 /cough cough/ What I meant is, I've always wanted to learn a new language and the addition point is, FORMALLY! I'll be taught by a real, not virtual teacher in class! Well how exciting will it be? :DDDDD

Even though frankly speaking this is not my third language. Informally not really. Because my third language is Arabic (well obviously, duh gah I used to formally learned it in Maahad yes) and I learned Korean and little bit of Spanish informally. So I don't really know how many -th this new language will be okay enough crapping BAHAHAHHAHA I'm sorry those are not even formal learning and even my formal learning aren't excellent how dare you talk like a language expert Kimah /cough cough/

I'm in third paragraph and I haven't wrote my dilemma yes yes so this is it; I need to do my course registration but I still cannot decide what language will I choose for my third new language. These are the comparison between them:


Well heck yeah soy un dorito como estas muy bien ohohohoho por favorRrrr I've always love Spanish for this. I cant really describe 'this' but it's a really unique and powerful language to me. A random Youtuber turned me into a Spanish freak two years ago for random reason. And it's cool. Super cool.


Fyi, I've been wanting to learn Japanese way before I learned Korean. Remember, I'm all senpai's before I am oppa's. But all my attempts halted halfway through. Well, it's obviously not a language you can learn online without much determination I guess.


This particular country kind of hit me somewhere in my arteries. I don't know much about it but I am very much intrigued by it. The only word I knew is danke but I still have space in my heart for this language. Strange. Strange indeed. But not to forget, its coooooool too.


Well /cough/ five years in Maahad, I sure learned but the best I could speak is basic Arabic I guess. With some phrases and dalil and mu'jam and qaulul hukama' I memorized for insya' (Arabic essay) in the past. I'm not lying when I said there are parts of me wanting to learn this back, polishing what I've got. But -- I'll leave the but later.

extra Korean:

I put this on the list for the fact that I am not a beginner for this language but neither a professional. I am an amateur but I won't choose this language I am uhm pretty sure maybe. I don't want to be called so called Korean fans whatsoever. I don't want people come up to me saying annyeong haseyong anneyong haseyong ANNYONG HASEYONG all the time. I'm sorry that's pretty intolerant of me but yeah I'm sorry.

If I can just follow my heart then I'll choose Spanish. It's unique it's cool it's my dream it's beneficial it's what most people in Europe can speak it's closer to France which is also cool it's well yeah perfect. That's what my heart tells me. My brain however couldn't agree very much. Most of my friends are taking Arabic, it's the easiest and simplest choice they didnt have to think much they just want to pass the course nicely and it's Arabic everyone should learn Arabic, it's the language of Jannah! Another thing is because I am alone in this path of choice, what if I couldn't handle it and well, technically ruining my result? I'm scared.

And..urm I also have this little guilt of me. "Why can't I just take Arabic and be happy?!" Well, I know my Arabic isn't really good and I should take it in order to polish it while being good in grades but I'm not certain I'll be 100% satisfied. Come on! I finally get a chance to formally learn a new language I want to use this opportunity to the fullest. Besides, someone used to say that the Arabic syllabus in UITM isn't like the one you learn at school. All the nahu soraf, I'm not sure but I dont think we are taught from hua huma hum to everything! Again I'm sorry but if we're just learning the Communication Arabic then I think no. I'd rather choose other language then.

I'm getting emotional somehow, how?

But still I cannot clearly say Spanish. I'm forever indecisive. Too coward for nothing (and I dare claiming I have a girl crush on Katniss Everdeen? like whoa I need to stop) Well I hope there's someone I know taking the same class. I'm just scared I would flown away to the moon, alone. And there's absolutely nothing official yet. I might just really take Arabic at the end. But whatever might happen, I pray it's the best for me.

"..and it may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you love a thing while it is evil for you; and Allah knows while you know not" [Al-Baqarah:216]

So yeah, lose up and giddy up girl. Let's not think until it's time :DDD

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