Saturday, November 21, 2015

People to people

Now, listen.

I think I am someone who possesses a good range of patience. Like I can be patient but I also can not. Being me, I can really try hard to be patient even when I am not so people won’t see through me but then again, I also can explode. When I say so, please rationally argue why is it not right or at least why you think it’s not don’t just boldly says I’m wrong because I am not proven wrong until it is rationally and scientifically justified.

Secondly, I may not have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) but I cannot stand seeing thing not in correct order. But that doesn’t mean I have to be perfectly in order all the time. I’m an INFJ, I seek for imperfection! Judge me for being messy at times but also judge me when I am obviously being structured with my stuffs.

Thirdly, there are two kind of noise around me. The noise everyone could hear and another is the noise inside of me. I am not talking about the one inside but the one outside. The physical one. My surrounding is usually noisy; I am the noise sometimes. But there are certain noises that could seriously annoy me. Like I can’t do anything as long as it’s there like it’s physically diffusing into my head and echoing in a very rude manner and I can’t do anything and it’s actually like right now. Something. Is. Playing. Something. Very Annoying. Now. Pls. STop.

K it stop. Nice.

Next is about a behaviour I cannot change. Whenever I am mad or just not in mood out of nowhere, (Yes I always get out of mood just because of nothing! Now it’s not here-now it is!!) I don’t talk. I just couldn’t tal- no I just don’t feel like talking at all. If the case is not too serious, I can at least force a smile and talk to people not acquaintance with my problem. However if the level of Mad-Eye-Moody is over the limit, I would really prefer to be alone. Like. I. Have. To. Be. Alone or I’ll slice you into pieces. No really, I can be slightly irrational when I’m like erm emo? I also tend to do things alone even if it was actually a group work. I would silently work on it alone or go somewhere I need to alone (I am quite a clinger so this is a big deal).

See, I am normal.

I have problems like others too why can’t people treat me just like another mere people?
Sometimes, can’t people come and howdy me like people would do to people?

“In every single person, there are two kinds of wolves. One is the hate, lust, discriminative, regret and another is love, hope, passion, fairness,. These wolves are always fighting-there’s always a fight happening inside of you. However each time, only one wolf will win. Which is it? It is the one you feed.”

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