Saturday, December 17, 2011


Yoo I'm back again. Blergh I cant stand reading my last post, it was heartbreaking(?) Naaaah, I dislike that. Ohh I remember a new song to brighten up the mood.

Never give up cheer up! Toward your dreams never give up! Get up, get up, you can do it! Wake up, wake up don't worry! Everything will be fine never give up! Because it's you, it's you! Believe in yourself never give up! :)
That's a bit refreshing. Actually that's BANG&ZELO ft. Heritage - Never Give Up. And actually just reading that quote without knowing anything you'll find that it's plain, nothing and have no actual meaning at all. You need to listen to the real song. in Korean. Find it here.

To actually feel the song more, it's better if you can understand a bit Korean. You'll find that the song just immersed in your soul. Oh well, just the chorus part, the other part was just asjkdaskdj two student who rebelled and yeah hate school so much lololol X)

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