Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New template, new face again.

Yo hiii ehheehee, I changed the template again. Blogskins are beautiful but yeah it's not perfect. It is lacking in sooo many things :"(

I hope I'll stay longer with this one, kkkkkkkk X)

Soooo many things have happened. I'm back from tamrin. Oh bdw, did I even mention that I had a fever last week? I went to tamrin with the fever. And more importannt, it was no common fever, it's dengue! Maybe. I was not officially comfirmed by the doctor but looking at the symptoms then yes. Auw I didnt even go and see the doctor phew ignorant me :/

Not gonna tell much, I just dont have mood to type but yeah Kash brought me back to blogspot. He made a blog~! Yeaaa ahhaha followed :")

See, I don't really have something to say but hurm oh yeah I'm currently in love with B.A.P no not bap that means rice but B(dot)A(dot)P. It's Blonde Absolute Perfect. Ahhahaa BANG ZELO ftw yea TS baby~! Kkkkkk X)

What else? Sorry I forget things too fast now idek why :/

Current fave photo. Jamaican Kitty. Kkkkkk I miss it

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