Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Firstly, ya Allah alhamdulillah.

.: Dec 27 is the day when SMU result will be out and seriously since I was in Langkawi at that time, I was like "ughh, should i feel just alright? or should i be freaked out? or should i stay calm or should i.. arghhhh >,<"

Okay, the day before. I've been messaging my friends saying I'm not going to attend the ceremony. They're half believe half not bcause I didnt say the truth. I told Nurin I was in Busan w/ Zico and after than in Langkawi w/ Daniel. Yeah, she won't believe that. Kkkk #random XD

But for sure, I'm a bit anxious.
E/time someone bring the topic up, I'll dropped in sec. Oh no, I just don't want my family talk about it during our holidays, nooooo! I'm nervous T^T I keep messaging w/ Nurin, Fathin, Hanis until late at nights and guess what? I ended up dreaming about attending MMP to take the result. But, but.. I didn't manage to get 'mumtaz' my overall percentage is 87% and it wasn't considered as 'mumtaz'!! I met my friend from SK Sabak and she bragged about her reslut, she got 100% I was like OMG I just want to run but then I realized it's just a dream. ASJKAJSKJAKJSS butterflies grew in my belly ASAP after that D:

I do tell people about how I dreamed of SMU but I didnt told them about what my result is /sobs/

Starting from 9 AM, I keep messaging the same thing to Nurin "buleh doh ko reult? bagi doh ko? ?" I know the chances she will tell me her result is 5% lol e/though she got 10mumtaz, she won't tell kkk XD But still, I just want to know what's happening at school.

Around 12, she messaged me saying more than 100 students got mumtaz, I was like ohh, okay. Then she said 61 students got 10 mumtaz, I replied her saying "budo 4k1 nga separuh 4k2 doh tu, haha" At that moment, my mind totally no think about m,y own result. I'm for sure didn't think about it bcause I know my friends cant go and ask the teachers, they won't tell for sure! So I feel kinda secured kkk

When I arrived at K.Perlis jetty, I was walking in the first rown but the I received about 3 messages continuously. Nurin, Fathin, Dayah&Bariah ; they're saying almost the same thing "whoa congrats 10 mumtaz" I was like O____o? I really can't relate anything. I replied all the messages with simple "eh?" /lol/

Then Fathin says it's real. I was like, they're trolling meee ;__;

A moment after that, Nurin called and claimed it's for real! My name was announced and I was like asjkajskjaskajsks is this for real #alhamdulillah I feel like ughh, my tears are coming but naaah, it's a public place. I dint even tell my family. I planned to show them the result. I mean, what if this is just a joke? Or a mistakes? But during the time, my brotha came and grabbed my phone, she read my messages and dang, busted! /facepalm/

Thats it. It's no big deal cuma seriously terkejut dgn result ni. Seriously, saya dah kecewa dgn NahuSoraf dgn English. I mean paling kecewa dgn English. Mmg seriously tak boleh jawaaap ;__; tpi still dpt mumtaz ya Allah, alhamdulillah <3

I asked Nurin about others, dia cakap ok je. Dia sndiri pun pangkat mumtaz gak. Cuma tersekat dgn mutalaah dgn english je. Ok aah, tapi seriously masih shock dgn result #cantrelate

Helang-kawi aaang~!

Ok, stop the tragic issue for a moment eh? Saya nak buka cerita pasal cuti. And I want it to be as happy as it is. It was the best ;')

25 Dec
Woot, I slept late and woke up early. Kash released a mixtape on 12 KST and I was totally spazzing about it lol I slept at 1 and woke up at 3. Ohh great. We start our journey and breakfast~ing on the hill. Idr the name what's sooooo cold and refreshing<3 Then otw to Kuala Perlis, we fetched abemie from Masjid Ubaidillah /haha ngikuk jugok/ and went straight to jetty. During the jetty ride was one of the highlighted events, kitorang trolls. HAHHAAAA buat feri tu macam rumah sndiri. Dapat satu row dari depan smpaaaaai blakang, fgn x duduk diam. Yg depan ziarah belakang, yg blakang ziarah pergi depan. Staffs semua mcm omg mrk dtg dari planet manaaaa? O___O Ahahaaa we're the best! Yg #bujangbelaka siap berphotoshoot dlm deck lain, kacau ad pakcik tgh tidur, kacau staffs buat kerja. Ngehheee XD Sampai je kat jeti sana, tggu van. Ok, kitorangsewa satu je van untuk lebih dari 25 orang. Adults + children + toodlers = omg you cant imagine putting all of these in A VAN. Dahlah van tu tak brapa nak baru -,.- But it was all GOOOOOOD. Best la bising2 dlm van, bukak tgkap luas-luas, meeting atas van omg I'll miss this :")

Sampai kat apartment -- dua kali punggah dlm van sbb pnumpang ramai sangat, barang byk sangat kk -- landing jaap, then siap2 kuar pergi Idaman Suri. Ohh tmpat wajib ibu2 dan suri2 kkk masa ni ikut abe yom je sbb dia yg paling brpndapatan tggi so nak cokolet or anything, rembaaat je XD Malam tu semua tidur awal, tapi erk tak sbb ade Melin omg saje je HAHHAHAAAHAA tgk Merlin sampai makan megii kk XD

26 Dec
Hari hectic. Awal tu cdg nak pergi Cabel Car tp masa nk beli tiket, dia ckp pagi ni mybe x beroperasi sbb angin kuat, suruh dtg balik petang so kitorang tukar plan nak Hopping Island. Balik apartment tukar baju. Pergi jeti. Dahla kitorang dpat plan murah sbb AyahDin yg duk kat situ knal orang kat jeti hehee. Yg lagi best bila bot yg kitorang naik tu ade 2 enjin. OMG 15 kuasa kuda kot /lol/ kekeee laju semua bot lain makan buih kkkk XD Lalu 3 pulau, pulak first tengok je, pulau 2nd ada pnatai apelagi, terjuuuuuuuuun! Hahhaaa dlm sejam mandi kat poandai pulau cantik tu naik bot balik. Ingatkan dah kena balik tp rpnya ad satu lagi island, pulau Dayang Bunting. Yg kagumnya, dlm tu ade tasik luasss dan dia trletak ditgah tgah laut. Hebat kan ciptaan Allah, air tawar kat tengah tengah air laut. Whoaaa, cantik *O*

Then balik apartment dlm keadaan all worned out tapi mana boleh rehat, kitorang mandi tukar baju keluar prgi shopping pulak. First pergi dkt kwsan beras terbakar, ohh shopping disitu best barang murah. Beli pedang untuk kimi ngan ayam 'buyaa' untk twins and samil kk. Then suri2 smua pergi Ismail Group tp heeehee I followed my 1st brotha again kkk it was random. We just go around the place kkk XD Yg hebatnya, sbb x puas hati dgn Ismail Group, boleh pergi Idaman Suri balik lpas tu. Ahahhaaa XD

27 Dec
Lagi tragis. Paling susah nak describe. Pagi tu smpat lagi pergi Makam Mahsuri, saja je bukan nya eksaited sangat sbb dah byk kali pergi cuma kali ni special sbb ramai, family saya bessssst :") Hehee #random Lepas main main kat rumah dia, balik apartment punggah barang then ke jeti. Departure lambat sangat smpai boleh main2 tgh menunggu, main dgn tmpat mgurut ahhaaa mcm la x prnah tgk kerusi mgurut, berebut pakcik cina tu tgk macam erk ()_() Then kali ni atas feri x teruk sangat cuma bising. Majdi paaling bising. Yg lain kbykan tidur sbb mmg trlampau letih. Photofreaks abe e and budak2 sibuk je selca. Sumaak XD

Smpai jeti K.Perlis, masa kalut punggah barang, elok2 je dpt messages pasal smu, omg yg tu dlm post lain :D

Then, ambik keta balik. Brenti makan kat Kedah, Maghrib-Insya' dkat R&R erk, lupa XD Then naik keta dlm 30 minutes, terlelap. Sama je dgn Diha, mmg terlelap yg bukan nak tidur punya. Sampaila dalam pukul 1, brenti kat Tanah Merah. Sbb dah lewat dn ramai driver yg dah mngantuk, Avanza abe ya pun katanya dah hampir hanyut *masa tu dah mula imagine things tapi cepat2 tolak tepi #nauzubillah * Lepas smbung balik, terus x tidur, bgi peluang kaklong pulak tisur dn bising2 dgn madiha kat belakang. Heheee, smapi kwsan Kubang Kerian mmg dah lega sngat sbb dah masuk kwasan sndiri, mmg dah lega. Dah plan dgn Diha smmpai ni ambik barang bal bala bla. Sampai je dekat dekat Panji, kakda call suruh patah balik cakap. ssuatu. pasal. Rush. langgar. asjkajsk omg. masa tu dah x leh relate. Masa bagitau abeyom mmg mind x leh relate. Smapi kat situ, tgk Rush kemek mmg speechless rasa mcm mimpi, tak berani nak tanya mana semua orang -- mmg bhgian depan Rush kemek gile dah takut. Tgk sume ok je kcuali nmpak kakkah mcm luka. Darah banyak dkt mata. Dah naik ngeri. Abeyom kata nk g usm, ikut je sbb dah x leh tgk Rush macam tu, rasa sebak x tahu nk cakap apa. Lgipun kalau x ikut, susah gak sbb x de org yg nk uruskan. Then the rest is history. Dalam post sblum ni dah sebut, x nak ulang. Ngri gak. Then mmg staraight x tidur smpai pukul 6 smapai rumah, smpat on0, solat the tertidur smapi pkul 9. Dgn x mandi. Serious, bangun tu sume macam blur. Speechless. Masing2 masing try je buat okay especially time ade ebe e. Hurm, the rest is history laa. Malas nak ckp satu2.


Ohh sptutnya post ni untuk holidays tu je tp sbb skrang ni pun mind still can't relate to anything happened, maka yes, words are not enought to describe everything now. But one thing for sure, semua ni will be in me forever.

Pagi tadi dah pnteng tuisyen, malam ni ponteng gak. Esok dah kena pergi. Dahlah cuti sekolah dah nak habis T^T


Stands for 'michigesseo' actually it's ᄆᄎᄀᄋ from the word 미치겠어. It drives me crazy. This is totally random, Teen Top to be blame. I heard they will release a teaser tonight. #random

Okay so my last post is on Thursday, last Thursday. Tomorrow is Thursday so it's been a week. It's only a week but a lot of things had happened. Let me list down first.

So on Friday, it's typical Friday. The same goes Saturday except for the fact saya x ber-tuisyen hari itu. Ohhh yay! /lol/ And it's a hectic day where I packed my things. We're going for a holiday in Langkawi the day after, Sunday. So yeah, I slept at 1 in the morning and woke up at 3.30 bcause we started the journey -- small convoy to be exact on 4.05. Ughh trust me, I get enough sleep w/ that XD

Okaay, I don't think to write it all in this post. I'll just listing down big events for now. Hurm, fyi for this 48-hours, I just got a few hours of sleep. I don't lie. Starting yesterday morning which started on usual time, we visited some last places at Langkawi and headed to Jeti. E/though we have plans to go somewhere else like Kedah and Penang, it were cancelled due to ferry delayed. Ahh hyu. Then, we started our journey home non-stop from Kuala Perlis to Kelantan. Yeah since it's night so the journey takes time for safety measures. Shortly, when we're already in Kelantan, in our own state, about a few kilometres away from home, just a few more minutes. Perodua Rush which was driven by my tenth brotha, met an accident. He was a bit sleepy -- how to I say 'hanyut' eh? #idk :"X so yeah, the car didn't even stop at the traffic light and that's not where the things happened.

Oh great, lemme finish this in bhsa Klate eh? Not BM baku. I just cant epress my feeling w/ English. It's not epic /lol/

Pahtu, abe e (my tenth brotha who drove the car) mace hanyut gitu maso bawok keto jadi trlanggar la signboard jale. Pahtu kak da nga kak ha (my sis-in-law's sis in Toyota Swift who drove behind the Rush) breti la tepi jale sbb kejut. Alhamdulillah, it's not that terrific e/though my 13th sista hurt his eyes. She was sleeping during the accident and she crushed herself into the front seat resulting cuts on her eyelids. Atm, I was in Estima w./ my 1st brotha we turned back to the place and we bring kak kah to USM asap. While he parked the car, he order me to go to the emergency and yeah I'm totally blur about what happened, I havent face anything like this so yeah luckily someone realize us and help me w/ the procedure. Thanks :')

--saya kata nak guna bhsa klate, aisyh -,.-

pahtu kiro hebat jak sbb buleh masuk smpai tmpat cuci luka HHAHAAAA oh great, mana bleh suka msa org tgh sakit. tp seriously, my sis try not to panicked and yeah, i tried buat bual dgn dia, lgi sruh dia baca la mna2 ayat wktu tu. mmg dah x tahu nak buat apaa ;__;

then, msa kat emergency room tu, ingtkan dia jadi out patient je, tp rpnya sbb ada luka so kna jahit lagi, so trpkasa gak duk situ. ohh lagi satu rasa hebat sbb brjaya cakap2 dgn doktor bajet thu pasal perubatan. tnya minor surgery and etc etc haha i'm a bit eksaited actually ~.~
then tgh tggu2 dr check luka, dtg abe din, abe e, kak da, kak long. i was like hoo, my family is hereeee. we evem make jokes at that time. we're cool aboutr that. we tried not to be panicked and be more open-minded. semua org macam tenang even kakkah, we do jokes at time like that.

just one thing, kitorang buat jokes tu untk abe e gak, nnti dia rasa brsalah. abeyom oyak doh "tankyoh duk sego brsaloh laa" i mean yeah, it's not his entirely fault. we're human being. lgipun semua musibah ni ada hikmah. mcm kakna cakap ; slagi x masuk pagar rumah, don't feel too happy or less-aware. dan lgi pula, abe e dan sehari suntuk drive. it's not easy laa :33

well, everything happens for a reason. kitorang mmg open-minded dgn hal ni. not blaming each other and yeah #alhamdulillah kalau nak accident stakat ni kira this is more than okay! no one had major cuts or anything worse, hope my sis is entirely okay, dia pnuya exam less than 2 weeks ; himnaeyong!

erk, that's all. actually i dont do talks about my family especially when it comes to praising or saying what's on my mind but yeah, no one read this. i just want to keep this tightly in me. 2011 Dec 27. Accurately Dec 28.

Dan mmg saya hnya smpat tidur dri pukul 9 smpai 1 pagi je. Then I was awaken, kitorang smpat supper kat Tanah Merah then after that, baru sedar I tidur tadi biar je abe yom & kaklong brjaga so I ws like "ughh, x pyah tido laa bia kalong pulok tido." So yeah after then I talked and talked w/ Madiha. Hurm, more to ramblingg la. We just talked so the atmospehere is lifted and yeah abg saya x mngantuk ;')

But let this be a forever memory in me. Hope kak kah is okay and hope everything is all right. I'll be back w/ my Langkwai post right after this, brb :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Did I say?

Ohh great, I forgot to mention about my tuition at all. It's connecting to my brother. Last night, he came early. He was already there the moment I stepped out from class but today.. Today is a mess! I came out at 11.05 then I wait till 11:25. At that time, all the students are already go home. Maybe some already home T^T And then, yeah I decide to waited by the road so I walk and walk until I reached SK Panji. Yeah, my phone sucks, the credits expired so I have to find a public phone. I found one and yeah, if I didnt have any coins with me, I'm sure I won't be able to come back today. No one remember me #foreveralone D:

He fetched me when it is almost 12 by the way D:

And yeah, that all. Oh by the way, I'm still in the situation of coping e/thing. Yeah, attending the classes not at the same time as others make it difficult. I'm still adapting myself. ATM addmath and physics are good but today, it's Chemistry class. I have no idea about the subject at all as.. There's like a big student-block in me D: But yeah, I managed to act all cool T^T

Guys, gtg still have to attend tonight's class. But hurm, I'll go to usrah first! #thursdaynight :)


A-yo! blrghhh.

The PMR result are out. 171 Maahadian 96-liners got 9A. Whoa, chukkaeyo! I'm butthurt. After knowing that my cousin also got 9A, I'm butthurt again T^T

Dang, naaah jk congratulation guys! You deserve it T^T I'm still butthurt. I shodul do better in my BA. Ughh no no I'm happy with my 8A's. Lol I'm happy for those people who manage to get 9A. I'm butthurt. Pfffffft, #shikkereo I'm half good, half evil now. I'm half-heartedly congratulating them T^T Guys, seriously congartulation! But it doesn't mean I'm not jelly #bureobda I'M SO JELLY SOMEONE FEED ME JELLY NOW SO I CAN UN-JELLY POR FAVOR ++

Seriously, what language am I using? #imbutthurst Pffttt, "the world is so noisy by itself, why are you adding more noise to it" - Joker's Be Quiet ok foineeee, I'm being random bcause I'm butthurt T^T

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Positive thinking is the medicine to the soul.

Happy snowy birthday Daniel Chae! :)
"Snow is falling from the sky. I'm happy that you're in my life. I'm happy that I can walk down this road by your side" - First Snow First Kiss

"Baby you're so fly, you're so fine. You shine up my life wanna love you long time"
Euuuuuuung Professor Daniel who has PH.D from Oxford University, marry me #loljk X)
Since this is my blog, it's a bit weird to say things like that. Even this post itself is weird. Yeah you know, this is not tumblr I. can't just. confess. anything. Erk, no I even cant do that on tumblr now. I have family and friends following me now T^T

People wo know me should know me more than that. You should know that I'm crazy when it comes to saying anything. I'll tweet everything that passed thru my head and yeah #judgemekbye

On twitter also, I tried hard not to just randomly tweet something like this. Yeaah not everyone think randomly like I do. They'll judge. But yeah, #idgaf judge me then (but please nooooo, real people doeesnt need label) I'm complicated, I know :'X

Naaah, this is no a post about how uncomfortable I am but a post for my LA Ninja :")

Ohh, the title "Positive thinking is the medicine to the soul" he told me that. I start my every days with that words of my ninja X)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Suppp~! Whooo, last night and today my new routine attending classes. Pheww, somehow I want the holiday ends fasterrrrr. Lol it's ridiculously awkward being in a new place :$

Bdw, talking about me attending classes won't stop unless I change my attitude. Behhhhh XD

So today I watched Park Dongshin's aka Abdul Rasyid, an Islam converted Korean videos. Subhanallah, his videos are beatiful. His intention of doing videos, Facebook and Twitter are for daa'wah. I start w/a video Islam In Korea - The way to Seoul Central Mosque from Itaewon Station. That is the largest - the central mosque in Korea.

The thing is, I want to visit Itaewon so badddddddly. From my research about Islam in Korea a few months ago #lol I found out that many Muslims live in Itaewon. But I was confused when I knew that Itaewon is also a place to have fun - there's lots of night clubs, bars, noraebang and etc (I know this from JYP, EatYourKimchi etc) So yeah, I was confused. But then, no more bcause in Dongshin oppa #lol aka Abdul Rasyid oppa's #lol video, he stated that Itaewon was once a place for American army - yeah you know that kind of army who love women, drink, money, power. That's why the place got soo many clubs and bars :X

But then, they moved to other city and the Muslims moved to Itaewon bcause there is the mosque so yeah, the place become the Muslims' place.
"And this place changes to clean as you know Muslim no drink and they do nothing bad" -- Abdul Rasyid Park :)
And the moment he meet the Pakistani restaurant owner, he greet him w salam peacefully and that touched me inside. That shows how peace is Islam (:

And I got impressed by how many Halal restaurants and marts are there. Yes, most are middle-east foods but yeah I really really want to visit all of the places! Especially the one he said is his favourite ; the Halal fast-foods! OMG ahhh that looks delicious :33

And the Islam Information Centre, I want to visit that one tooo w/ the Salam Bakery and etc and etc and etc masyaAllah :)

The MOSQUE! When he first enter the tunnel look-like, kinda the entrance (I dont think that's the main entrance though :D) The Korean words is the syahadah! I can read that eventhough I dont understand but I know that's the syahadah! #masyaAllah it's beautiful written in hangul :")

And when he walk the way up to the mosque, I was very very impressed I could cry. The place is big and beautiful. I couldnt stop saying beautiful bcause Islam is really really beautiful :")

S!b: I really really feel like booking tickets to Korea right now! But yeah, not yet. One day #insyaAllah. I'll be there, the moment Korean accept Islam fully. The moment Islam covered the country! #insyaAllah :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

She's nice

Happy birthday Yong Junhyung. Joker on the track! :)

My first addmath class. UNGGGGG friend beside me was from a good good school. Yeah I bet so, she looks intelligent. I can tell w/ one look (not that I'm saying that's my specialty ;__;) I feel so dump no no no it's kind of terible good thing she's nice. so niceee :")

We did talked a bit. Obviously she start the talk I am not opening my mouth I'M ALL SHAKEN TREMBLING FEELING BUTTERFLIES sdfghjkkjajskj but she's nice, really nice. Her name Zana whatever, I didnt even ask for her real name. Maybe Syazana I guess. Sheee's nice! :")

Ohh I ask about my old schoolmae from SK Sabak, Atiqah and she know her! And worst, she is also attending the same tuition class. OH I'M SO DEAD, no I'm not! That's a good news finally I know someone but still, I CANT DO THE TALK. Let's hope I'll meet her in agood way. #insyaAllah :")

When the class almost finish, Cikgu Li was like "budak Maahad maring maghi ko? takuk maghi male skali tok sey doh. perrrik" And I was like OHH UHH HOO. I feel butterflies up to my neck. I tried to act all cool eventhough I feel like trolling inside ;__;

And I'm pretty sure there's students who were like

towards me. Yeaah newcomers U GO DOWN! ..Or it is just me? ;___;

Bdw, saw the news bout Kim Jong II as soon as I landed home. Hope for everything to be alright. Heard that his son is meaner than him? No idk about that. Just hoping for both South and North come to peace. This is not bcouse of #myoppars but yeah seeing all Koreans' tweets and things on my dashboards I was like yeah, there shouldnt be war! PPEACE NO WAR!

Bdw, saw those jokes about Kim Jong and lol I didnt even can say anything about them but yeah, here it is. Found these on Facebook and Tumblr :

This is seriously ahsjakjskdkjkajaksj omg lololololol
And comment like :
I think the people "mourning" him are the ones thinking its some k-pop idol they haven't heard of before...
ajskdjaksjk omg omg lol and even this one :
We know that Kim Jong Il isn't going to heaven. Not because he was a bad person, but because he had no Seoul.
efrfgswd that is omg omg :X

bdw, GTG I was sitting on the chair looking at the screen start from the moment I came back from tuition. #exaggerating but it's like that. So I'll have class again tonight so yeah

The Bank Account

Imagine there is a bank which credits your account each morning with £86,400.
It carries over no balance from day to day & allows you to keep no cash balance.
Every evening cancels whatever part of the amount you had failed to use during the day.

What would you do?
--Draw out every penny, of course!

Well, everyone has such a bank. Its name is TIME.
Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off as lost, whatever of this you failed to invest to good purpose.

It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against the “tomorrow”. You must live in the present on today’s deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success! The clock is running. Make the most of today.

The more you realize the Greatness of Allah SWT, the more you are aware of your own lesser status. #islam #Allahuakbar

To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who has failed a grade.
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a pre-mature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer who has kids to feed.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. (husband & wife of course!)
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who has missed the train.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who has avoided an accident.
To realize the value of ONE MILLI-SECOND, ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.

#storytime by @IslamicThinking


I'm attending my tuition class today! Gidddddy up Kimah, leggo! X)

Sunday, December 18, 2011


It was scaryyyyyyy lol seriously Cikgu Li is a goodman. I've never thought that there's still teacher like him. Teaching for the sake of students' future. Not for his own benefits. Whoaa :O


And yeah I'm officialy going to the tuition classes. Everyday and everynight. Day is for additional math and physics at night. Gulp both killing. Both need calculation pfgtshbdfjnd I AM NO GOOD AT CALCULATING ;______;

Ughh, I've realised how uncakna I was all the time. I've never know how many SPM candidates are there and never bother to know. I'm not sensible w the paper he gave me. I should have write everything. I AM TRULY NOT SENSIBLE :X

GTG now, I have my first class on 8:30pm and tmorrow morning 9.00am. 2 hours of each class. I'm still feeling nervous. Butterflies in my belly won't fly T^T

Till next time, I'm for sure writing along post about this. Ughh the feeling won't stop. I'M NERVOUS :"(

let it be tumblr atm

Me at the moment is :

I'm feeling like doing some punches atm

No, who say I'm going to cry I AM NO CRYBABY. Someone would make fun of me if I do. This someone will do :X

How I really feel :

I should think positively. Yeaah.

Who know I'll meet my crushes *____*

And of course, no fight on my first day.

Okay done w/ ramblings. I just need to go now. AFK BRB GTG ahhh wish me luck! Pppwaiting kimah! Neo jal halsu isseo, woot no hangul. I have no feeling like writing in Korean naw ;__;

Think positively.



3.10 pm. OMG the clock is moving too fast D:
I feel butterflies in my belly. Tons of groups of butterflies. Somebody help me ;___;

I'm thinking of everything. /GROWL/ I should go and check the books. Yeah but no, I didnt even want to make a slight move. I'm forever laming here. I'm not moving. Do't make me nooo!! These butterflies won't fly away SHOOOOOOOOO!
I’m scared of being alone tonight. Please stay by my side until I fall asleep. Please run your fingers through my hair until I fall asleep. Trust me, I’m normally not like this; I just want to be in your arms tonight and listen to your lullaby. Just for tonight, please don’t leave.” — Tonight, I’m Afraid of the Dark by 10c
jkfrygyhfe WHY? WHY? WHY?

This is a hard one. I've never feel this miserable since the school ends T^T

S!b: This post connects to my last post. E/thing is about studying

At last

you gotta be kiddding. I HAVE NO BLOOD IN MY FACE RIGHT NAAW ;__;

Here's the deal my mom just say that we're #reallyreally going to the tuition place after Asar. fore this I ackonwledge that the tuition place only operates at night so I ask my mom wae evening? I was informed that I will be tested. Okay yeah the only thing that come straight into mind is I. HATE. TEST. Why why why? This is the reason why I hate personal tuition class. I'm so dead "i got no blood on ma face yo" ;_____;

Can I just attend #Kami? My friends go there. Though it's not a good excellent tuition w/not too proffesional teachers but yeah I prefer being in a crowded class and have no attention focusing on me. Even if I dont understand I dont need to ask. I'll just ask my friends. I AM SPECIFICALLY MORE COMFORTABLE W/ MA FRIENDS. And yeah I hate attentions on me #IAMNOATTENTIONSEEKER lol :"(

Oh #ottokae what should I do asjakasjdkaj I'm scared for ma life ;AAA;

"kimah, lepah asar"

"kimah lepas asar, g tusyen"

adskajasjkaja I MEAN WHAT? My sista just tell me to get ready after Asar. My mom is sending me to a tuition class around Panji? WHAT JUST HAPPENED? ahsjkasdjajajaa ;__;

Okay here's the drill : I'm a form 5 student next year. I'm taking SPM next year. I didnt attend any tuition untill now. So mom is taking this matter seriously. She used her connection and yeah here it is, the day has come ;___;

OH GREAT. I DA NA THE PLACE. I'M TOTAL STRANGER TO THE PLACE. I DA NA THE TEACHER. I DA NA THE STUDENTS. Ohh great that, I colud socialize more. I'm a numb when it comes to having friends.

So, phewwww. I'm a little bit scare now. No. but I'm actually REALLY REALLY FREAKED OUT NOW SOMEBODY HELP ME ;__; Oo I must think of this as a good way to get friends yeah I should no I couldn't somebody helppp me #ottokae? ;__;

I'm seriously fighting my inner self now. Ughh, I'm nervously-excitedly waiting for the time. CAN I STOP THE CLOCK? Oh what should I do? Omaigod X(


But again, I'm totally nervous :X

S!b: I was seriously nervous over this thing just bcause my sista told me that when I'm re-watching camp Rock. I was having a good time watching movie. Dang, bad timing D:


I don't look as cool as Naruto in the morning?

Both of us love rameeen! :D

Careful it's hot.


/drum roll/ WOO OOOOHOO! I FOUND MY PENDRIVE BACK! (To be honest, my sister did) OH YOU CANT TELL HOW HAPPY I AM ASDFGHDJHDHBCHRBHF I AM THIS HAAAAAPY hfwfgbreghhrgbrfg HAHHAHAA /throw confetti/ #alhamdulillah YAAAAAY XD

There is like hundreds of things in the 4G pendrive. It's common but more for me, it means everything. That is my first pendrive. I bought it w/ my own moneeeey when I was 12 or 13. I dont remember but yeah MY FIRST GADJET WITH MY OWN MONEYYYYYYY ;__;

O yeaaah sorry too many CAPSLOCK. You can tell how excited I am. Alhamdulillah. I found it! All my photos, #mykids' photos, MVs, videos, Kash's predebut photos. Erkk, #notthatone LOL XD

Glad I found it back. Or glad my sis found it back. Randomly, it is in my sister's wardrobe. IDK how it can be there. It's weird. But IDC, I found it alreadyyyyyy X)

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Actually after learning Korean for a year, I found out that the more I learn it the more confuse I get. I mean, put me aside first! See the Korean people who live abroad since they're little and when they came back to Korea they cant speak well. I mean, pfffft wth is this?!

--That's why I stop learning since I already can read it. So now, I don't Google about learning anymore. I dont do formal learning anymore. Hahahaaa #asif I'm already pro :X

Even Kash, a Korean who grew up in Canada now saying he has no mother tongue at the time being. Living in Korea w/ all the Koreans make his English worsen. He got rambling accent lol X) And bdw his Korean didnt improve much lololol

That's not what I'm going to say actually. I wanna talk about Spanish. Actually after learning Korean for a year (do you saw this words on the intro? #lol) I decide to learn Spanish. Yeah, basic words. Although 2 of my brothas want me to learn France but no! I already know a bit Spanish so yeah why not? France on the next list then. Along w/ Japanese :)

Wanna know how I got attracted to Spanish? I am seriously into the word #megusta #nomegusta. Awkwardly, being in all the Kpop vids on YT taught me that words. Hahaa there's so many Spanish Kpoppers out there! X)

Erk, no that's not the only reason. I just find that Spanish are cool. Eventhough it is not practical for me (just like Korean lang). Yeah, LEARNING KOREAN FOR MORE THAN A YEAR BUT I NEVER MEET REAL KOREAN IN REAL LIFE ;AAA; But I often talk to them in Twitter and Facebook though :")

Ughh great. I was rambling and went faaar from my main point. I just want to say that after start learning Spanish for .. maybe a month or two? I dont remember :X Yeah that's all. My main point. Good thing that I was rambling eh? Or else the post will be short XD

TNT peeps! Lol <3


Do I say that I'm so into hiphop this year? ♡ Totally totally into hiphap bby! X)
Since I talked about songs that pull up my spirits back yeah I have tons more of that kk nwo I'm posting good songs from Zico's mixtapes.

I'm still fly I'm sky high and I dare anybody to try and cut my wings I'm still shuttin cities down everytime I come around nigga I'm still doin my thing I'm still, I'm still
#ifeelgreat saying those words. I dont joke. Ohh wait that's the chorus yeah the real Drake's I'm Still Fly. Move on to his own lyrics :
Early on, I put up a wall against my studies And jumped into this amidst the opposition of others It's an ensemble of beats, nurture, and lyrics My joy was in my music, so I wrote and wrote persistently I do get tired, but I never stop My storage for creativity is never empty There was not one person that supported me I had to lash out at myself, I had to become my own enemy I never once let myself fall prey to corruption, rebellion, and delinquency My heart was in this from the start, always deliLinkberating over the best of rhymes
next I have 2NE1. Their raps are so western like. And yeah my header "we Asian rise with the sun" is actually lyrics from Can't Nobody English Version X) The song that I picked from the girls is #naegajeiljalaga But I'm not so into the mv lol.
You’re following behind me but I’m only running forward I jump on top of the table you’re sitting at I don’t care If you touch me you won’t be able to handle it I’m hot hot hot hot fire Before I flip something over Please can someone stop me
The chorus is something more powerful :
naega jeil jal naga naega jeil jal naga naega jeil jal naga naega jeil jal naga jeil jal naga
nuga nega naboda deo jal naga No no no no Na na na na nuga nega naboda deo jal naga No no no no Na na na na nuga nega naboda deo jal naga No no no no Na na na na nuga nega naboda deo jal naga No no no no Na na na na #braaaaaaaaaah X)
Again, you need to understand little bit of Korean to really be w/ the song (:

Next, is from a 93-liner composer and rapper : d.Kash in the house! Lee Hyundong who is in the group of six M.Peror! <3 They'll debut, IDK when :3 Bdw, this song of him also lift me up everytime. Here. My best part :
I wasn't gifted but had no worries.

Yes, my best part. IDK why but that sentence means a lot to me. I feel like it's really something to me. Yes, I do fight within myself to be normal. I have the feeling to grab the success w/ all my own energy. Without any other special power. I. want. peopl. to. acknowledge. that.

This post is longer than usual rambling. Guess I'll have to stop. Yeah, I'm still in my mood to brighten up my days! Giddy up kimah! (:


Yoo I'm back again. Blergh I cant stand reading my last post, it was heartbreaking(?) Naaaah, I dislike that. Ohh I remember a new song to brighten up the mood.

Never give up cheer up! Toward your dreams never give up! Get up, get up, you can do it! Wake up, wake up don't worry! Everything will be fine never give up! Because it's you, it's you! Believe in yourself never give up! :)
That's a bit refreshing. Actually that's BANG&ZELO ft. Heritage - Never Give Up. And actually just reading that quote without knowing anything you'll find that it's plain, nothing and have no actual meaning at all. You need to listen to the real song. in Korean. Find it here.

To actually feel the song more, it's better if you can understand a bit Korean. You'll find that the song just immersed in your soul. Oh well, just the chorus part, the other part was just asjkdaskdj two student who rebelled and yeah hate school so much lololol X)

Friday, December 16, 2011


Dah, gerun tak boleh sembunyi lagi.

Erk, hari ni dah kira a week selepas kelas tambahan berakhir. Saya masih tak menghadiri mana mana tuisyen. Ok dah, saya muak dgn BM saya. /Language change : BM --> BI/ Yesterday, I talked w/ my Twitter friend, Zati who is another SPM 2011's candidate about study. Pfffft, I saw her tweet saying she is now learning chap 4 of form 5 Chemistry. I was like asjkdaskkaskdj I AM NOT YET DONE LEARNING ALL THE FORM 4 CHAPTERS #wth

Yes, that freaks me out. Thinking how my classmates and schoolmates are now attending tuition, learning, memorizing all the formulas and etc. I. am. home. doing. PQS. notes. loosely. I'm stressing yeah I know, I shouldnt feel that way. It's nobody's fault. It's mine but not entirely mine. I have no guts to say what I like and dislike so? Yeaah :X

And this Dec 25th, we'll be going to Langkawi. For holidays again. As soon as we're coming home, my SMU result will be out. And honestly, I have no confidence with my English paper at all. I just can't brag about it even to myself. I still remember the exam day, it was Saturday morning and yeah I was stressin' at that time bcause of the previous day. No one know and no one care. Pfft, usually my pressure ain't stressing but that was the first time I was terribly down. I cant even contol myself. I cant even think in the hall. Yeah actually I have accept the fact and will be 100% ready to face whatever my English mark is but then I think about people around me. I'll be bashed at. I know it's normal but I dont know if i can accept it this time or not. My teacher, Miss Nadia. I'm afraid I cant face her again next time. My family, .. I just cant say anything about that. Yes, it was entirely my fault this time. Yes, I know and I just dont know how to say about all this. And also my NahuSoraf also, I'm not putting much hopes.

But ofcourse, NahuSoraf's paper was a killer. There's too many soalan kemahiran. Oh yeah like i can do that. I dont know which paper I can really rely to :X

I dont even now why I suddenly think of this tonight. It's just everyone starts talking about SPM, tuition and whatsoever so I was like ughh yes, I'm upside down.

Ajann :)

Representing the face of twonkletwonkle for now. My niece. Or I prefer saying my sis's daughter or accurately #mygirl. I call all the kids (referring to my siblings' kids) as #mykids #myboy #mygirl Lol later you can see I'm a little bit bias towards the kids. I love the toddlers more kkkk they're just so young, so cute yet so gooood! #megusta <3

So, this is Ajaan. Real name Marjan. Nicknamed as Lu'lu', Nala (as the one from Lion King, you should see her when her hair is crumbling just like lion LOLove) She is 2 years old. The fifth children of my fifth sister. #estemio ajaaan! :)

S!b: this post was just made to test how the photos work on my new blogskin. I have her photo on my folder so yeah why not. She's also the one in the photo beside. Hahaaa X)

실례합니다 (:

LinkGuys, I'm not yet done rambling.

Ok, aside from EunHae's Oppa Oppa MV, I also saw news about ALi on AllKpop. Shocking news. Who saw it already? Hurm, actually I don't know ALi. Yes, I do know her name but I never hear her songs or seeing her photo Lol some people do tweet about her before like bboybarom and etc etc.

--I also know that her new song is featuring Junhyung but IDK why I didnt listen to it when I did listen to Be Quiet last time :X

The thing is wow, that's a shocking news. Well, poor her. Everyone is pushing ALi to the edge of the cliff, making her telling the black memories. Not just the stupid-culprit but the netivens too should apologize now. She's still young and now everyone know the stories T^T ALi unnie, please be strong till the end. 힘내요!

Ohh bdw, Siwon tweet a pic of him being an ELF lol he went to the Oppa Oppa Mubank prerecord today and sit in the middle of other ELFs holding the Pearl Sapphire Blue Balloon for his 'oppa' HAHHAAA X)

Bdw, lol suddenly I'm thinking about yesterday. That's a bliss lololol. Chocolate Tia reply to me on Twitter. Actually *cough*I'm not a big fan of Chocolate *cough* I followed her bcause she was also one of MCountdownUK emcee along with Kevin and Eli. Just bcause I'm sure she will tweet in English lol. She replied twice but unfortunately I deleted one of my tweet to her and that make the tweet she replied me gone. Gone! D: #iwasfreakinsad But also on that day, my prince king d.Kash aka my Hyundong replied me 5 times! That make he mentioned me 5x! LOLove <3

Besides, on Dec 12 NikMichael from Mastercheff also replied to me :P

Yes, I warned you. I'm aggressive and full of enthusiasm when it comes to stalking or tweeting. Kbye. I blog a lot today. Kind of excited with this new blog XD

daily friday.

So we went to KBMall again today. Is it just me or we really did go to KBMall every Friday? Last Friday, last last Friday. Is it a coincidence? --Maybe it's one of the reason I love my brothas so much. Last week w/ that brotha this week w/ this brotha LOLove (;

It was nothing to tell about but yeah, I saw the Zico shop again today. Lmou everyone reading this 100% will not understand. Just skip to the next paragraph lol XD The shop in KB, near NorBahrum&Co and kastamKB lololol. It was a hardwarre shop I guess kekee. First seeing it last Sunday when I follow my mon to KB. I was seriously bored and sleepy OTW home but then I saw miracle! #exaggerate

Ohh the first thing I saw when I came home on Facebook is Donghae's and Eunhyuk's Oppa Oppa MV. Blerghh SM did you call that MV? You're cheap :/ That's not MV, that's just a video from SS4. SM I'm forever hating how you treat SuperJunior >.<

Honestly I'm no longer treating them as my gewe(s) but my brothers. Ahhaaa #maboys to be exact. I'll protect them as how Lifebouy do lololololol. I'm totally into rookies D: 오빠 미안! ᅮᅮ

Daaaang, seriously this is all rambling. #youweretrolled kbye.

Oh bdw

Actually one of the reason I'm blogging again is bcause I hate the #only140words on Twitter. It's too limited. Sometimes I cant express my feeling at all. So here, you might keep seeing posts like this. Maybe tons of posts in a day.
Yeah, if you know me in Twitter, you can say i'm a random and crazy Twitter person. I chirp everyday. Hundreds of tweets everyday but no! I dont spam others timeline. I'm a random crazy fan. So I tweet people who doesn't even know my existance. -The K-stars.

Yeah I'm a stalker. I stalk to the end of the world. Don't run cause you'll waste you time. Mr. Google is my best bestfriend.

S!b: OMG I'm feeeeeeling so good. I'm expressing everything I thought of in a post. A POST! yeah, have not doing this in a looooooong time! Woot, I already love this. Hahahaaaaaa XD


Yo! Whats up guys?!! -The ceiling! LOLove XD

So again, I'm doing this.
This time I'll assure everyone knows me. I'm doing this for myself. I need something to read about myself when I growing old. This is not for anyone else. i dont know how to write. I'm not like those attention seeker (or sometimes I prefer saying attention whore) in Facebook. those who you know, posting statuses, adding everyone just to get attention yeah, those kind of people. I prefer doing it like a boss. Lol the fact is I'm #foreveralone Geez, yeah I do. See, I'm writing this in one-go! Didnt even stop I guess when I re-read this, no one will understand me. I write what randomly passed my head and yeah sghbneygjb I have no more idea.

That's all. #imdone